Episode 330

Natalie Chapman – The best investment you can ever make is in yourself

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The key takeaways from this episode are as follows:

You’ll learn about the importance of having a personality in recruitment

🚀 You’ll get some solid advice on coming back to work after having children and why there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach

🚀 Caring about client relationships and knowing your worth as a recruiter

🚀 The power of having a positive mindset and pushing through even on the tough days

🚀 You’ll learn about why selling to candidates isn’t advised and what you should do instead


This week I’m joined by Natalie Chapman from Stirling Warrington.

With a wealth of recruitment experience, it was insightful on this episode to get her perspective on everything from client relationships and business development, all the way through to coming back to work after having children and being a working mother. 

You can connect with Natalie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/natalie-chapman-874797a/ 


I hope you enjoyed the episode, the best place to connect with me is on Linkedin - Hishem Azzouz

If you would love me to cover certain topics with future guests please drop me a message.

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The Recruitment Mentors Podcast
Deconstructing how the best recruitment professionals across the globe have accelerated their recruitment career and remained at the top of their game by uncovering their daily habits, mindset, approach to leadership, and much more.