Episode 287

Marcus Godbold - The importance of perseverance, building relationships, and having compassion when managing people

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The key takeaways from this episode are as follows:

🚀 You’ll learn about relationship building and how to have confidence when at events or conferences,

🚀 You’ll get some solid advice on business development and why you need to have a niche.

🚀 Caring about client relationships and spending time learning as much as possible about your market.

🚀 Being a leader and why compassion and empathy is key.


This week I’m joined by Marcus Godbold from Thor. 

He started working in recruitment at 21, fresh out of university. He worked his way through the ranks, becoming a manager and looking after a team of 20+ recruiters. 

It was great to sit down with him and talk about his tenure as well as doing a deep dive on day plans, staying motivated, and showing compassion as a leader. 

You can connect with Marcus on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcus-godbold-59068a52/ 


I hope you enjoyed the episode, the best place to connect with me is on Linkedin - Hishem Azzouz

If you would love me to cover certain topics with future guests please drop me a message. 

Finally, if you have been enjoying the podcast and you have two minutes then it would be greatly appreciated if you could leave a review.  

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The Recruitment Mentors Podcast
The #1 Most Practical Recruitment Podcast for Ambitious Recruiters In the World