Episode 52

Ep 52 - The 5 most common things I have seen in successful Recruiters and Recruitment business owners.

I wanted to do something different to CELEBRATE 50 episodes of the Recruitment Rollercoaster. 

No guests in this episode, just me! 

I talk about the 5 common habits/topics I have seen in the people I have had on the podcast. 

There could definitely be a longer list but the 5 that I speak about in this episode are. 

- We’re all made equal, you can achieve anything and everything you want to! 

- Mindset. More people need to talk about this. I love this topic. 

- Doing the right thing is always the right thing! 

- Always be open to learning from others.

- Be patient and have resilience in abundance.

I'm hoping you enjoy this and I would really appreciate any feedback on this episode as I will plan to do more of them if you like them!

Drop me a message directly on Linkedin to let me know your thoughts.

Connect with me on Linkedin here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/hishemazzouz/

About the Podcast

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The Recruitment Mentors Podcast
The #1 Most Practical Recruitment Podcast for Ambitious Recruiters In the World