Episode 140

Agency Owner Rollercoaster | Ryan Adams - Growing a Global Recruitment Agency from scratch to £6 million turnover in 3 years

This week I’m joined by Ryan Adams, CEO and Founder of Signify Technology.

Like most, Ryan fell in to recruitment. After rubbing shoulders at football training with an S3 consultant, he wanted a slice of success, high earnings and the finer things in life, and got his first role through him. 

Since entering recruitment 12 years ago, he has worked his way up the career ladder to board level, and left it all to start his own firm four years ago.

Ryan’s approach to starting his own business is different from most recruitment owners I’ve interviewed on the podcast, and we get a real insight into his methods and practices of growing a successful, niche consultancy on this episode. 

For recruiters who are looking to get a slightly different insight in how to build a successful, global business, this one's for you.

Additionally, if you’re someone who is on the fence about bringing marketing into your business, or want to know how to make your team more diverse, this podcast hits all those markers.

Time Stamps of the Episode

How did Ryan enter the world of recruitment? 2.26

What do you think are the contributing factors of your success at Consol 6.12

Being proactive with being a shareholder 8.25

Having your own business 9.55

Signify journey 12.20

End of year one 14.21

How Ryan acquired clients 16.23

Getting through the tough times 19.38

Ending year one on profit 23.37

How niche do I need to go? 25.18

Hiring right 26.11

Marketing in his business 29.51

Year two 33.20

Cultivating drive in the team 38.00

Year three and working the US market 43.05

Acquiring clients in the USA 48.02

The benefit of hosting events 49.30

Drilling down on the big challenges 53.34

LA lifestyle 58.58

How can we change the perception of rec 1.02.36

What advice do you wish you were given at the beginning of the journey? 1.04.05

What does resilience in recruitment mean to you 1.06.25

Excitements for 2020 1.10.20

One last piece of advice… 1.11.55

You can connect with Ryan on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryansignify/

I hope you enjoyed the episode, the best place to connect with me is on Linkedin - Hishem Azzouz

If you would love me to cover certain topics with future guests please drop me a message. 

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About the Podcast

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The Recruitment Mentors Podcast
Deconstructing how the best recruitment professionals across the globe have accelerated their recruitment career and remained at the top of their game by uncovering their daily habits, mindset, approach to leadership, and much more.